Employees vs Virtual Assistants: 4 Key Differences

The way businesses operate is changing. With technological advances, more businesses are using virtual assistants instead of traditional employees. There are some key differences between employees vs virtual assistants that companies should be aware of. 

In this article, you’ll learn about these major differences that will help you decide which one you’d like to hire for your business or personal needs.


What is a Virtual Assistant?

A virtual assistant (VA) is an online assistant that can perform tasks like scheduling appointments, managing social media accounts, and providing customer service.

Virtual assistants are becoming increasingly popular as businesses seek ways to save money and increase efficiency. There are many advantages to hiring a virtual assistant, including cost savings, flexibility, and convenience.


The Differences Between an Employee and a Virtual Assistant


1. Work Hours

There are several key differences between employees and virtual assistants in terms of work hours.

For one, employees are typically expected to work set hours during the day, while virtual assistants can often set their own schedules. This flexibility is one of the main reasons why people choose to become VAs.

Another key difference is that employees are usually expected to work within a certain geographical location, whereas virtual assistants can often work from anywhere in the world. This makes VA jobs perfect for people who want to travel or live in different parts of the world.

Finally, employees typically have a limited number of vacation days each year, while virtual assistants can often take as much time off as they need without affecting their job. This freedom is another major perk of being a virtual assistant.


2. Skills and Qualifications

When it comes to the skills and qualifications needed, employees typically need to have a high level of education, whereas virtual assistants can get by with a more general level of education or even on-the-job training. 

Employees also need to have a good understanding of company policies and procedures, while VAs only need to know how to carry out specific tasks. 

Finally, employees usually need to be able to work well in a team environment, whereas virtual assistants can often work independently.


3. Tasks and Responsibilities

Regarding tasks and responsibilities, employees are typically responsible for a wide range of tasks within a company—from customer service and sales to administrative work. Virtual assistants, on the other hand, are often only responsible for a few specific tasks, such as answering emails or scheduling appointments. 

This difference in responsibility levels means that employees have more pressure on them to perform well, while virtual assistants can focus on doing a few things extremely well.

The difference in task responsibility levels also leads to different expectations for each type of worker. Employees are expected to show up to work every day and put in a full day’s work. Meanwhile, VAs can often set their own hours and work as little or as much as they want. This flexibility is one of the biggest advantages of being a virtual assistant.


4. Pay and Benefits

When it comes to compensation and benefits, employees and virtual assistants have different arrangements. Employees are typically paid an hourly wage or salary, plus any benefits their employer offers, such as health insurance or retirement contributions. 

Virtual assistants, on the other hand, are usually paid by the project or task. This can make them more affordable for businesses on a tight budget. VAs may also receive benefits from their clients, but these will vary depending on the contract they have in place. 

In general, however, virtual assistants don’t receive the same level of pay and benefits as employees.


So, Do You Think You Want a Virtual Assistant?

With the growing number of virtual jobs and businesses, it’s important to understand the difference between employees and virtual assistants to manage your expectations and keep communication clear. 

Employees are generally bound by contracts and work within an office or company, whereas virtual assistants are independent contractors who work remotely. If you’re planning to hire a VA for your business or personal needs, make sure to be clear about your expectations and communicate often to ensure that the project is on track.