5 Social Media Strategy Templates for Promoting an Upcoming Business Event

If you’re planning an upcoming business event, it’s important to get the word out about your event far and wide. This can be difficult if you’re new to event promotion and don’t have time to learn everything from scratch! 

To make this process easier, we’ve put together 5 social media strategy templates you can use to promote your upcoming business event in less time than ever before.


1. Basic Template

A basic social media strategy template can be a great starting point for any business looking to promote its event on social media. The template includes key variables, such as: 

  • Target audience 
  • Overview of your business and what you offer 
  • Goals for social media 
  • How you’ll measure success  
  • Who’ll be responsible for each stage of your strategy 
  • Specific tasks to be completed at each stage 
  • Timescales for each task

Having a social media strategy template can help businesses create a cohesive plan across all their social media channels, which can help them reach their overall objectives for their event more effectively.


2. Event Timeline Template

There are different types of timelines, but the most common is the event timeline. This type of timeline lists events in chronological order, with the date and time at which the event occurred included. 

Event timelines can be created in a variety of formats, but some of the most common are simple text files or Microsoft Excel spreadsheets. Regardless of how you create your timeline, it’s important to make sure it’s easy to use and navigate. That’s where a template comes in handy. 


3. Hashtag Guide

The hashtag guide is a document that provides examples of appropriate hashtags to use for different types of social media content. It can also include instructions on how to use hashtags.

To create a good hashtag guide, it’s important to consider the purpose of the hashtag. Some hashtags may be used for marketing purposes while others may be used for organizing and promoting events. 

It’s also important to consider how relevant the hashtag will be to users. For example, if a specific topic is being discussed on Twitter, using a relevant hashtag may help people find additional information about that topic.


4. Instagram Ad Template

Instagram ads are highly effective for reaching a large audience on the platform. The ad template consists of a header, image, and description. The header should be eye-catching and capture the user’s attention. 

The image, on the other hand, should be high-quality and reflect the brand, product, or event being advertised. Finally, the description should provide useful information about the product, service, or event being promoted.


5. Facebook Ad Template

Just like Instagram, you’ll need a header, description, and images or videos for your Facebook ad. If you’re looking to get the most out of your Facebook advertising, you’ll want to create a custom ad template. This will allow you to streamline your ad campaign and make sure all your ads look uniform. 

The best way to create a custom ad template is to use an online tool like Canva. This website allows users to create professional-looking graphics without any coding knowledge. Once you’ve created your template, it’s time to fill it in with the information necessary for your campaign. 


Buzz Ahead Your Next Event with These Social Media Strategy Templates

Social media is a powerful tool for promoting upcoming business events. By using one or more of the social media strategy templates provided, you can create a cohesive and effective campaign that will help promote your event and attract new customers.

You can also take advantage of email management tools to increase your chances of a successful event and boost your business!